Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Artistic licence with real world locations...

Just got back from Venice this weekend... was amazing, and it was my birthday. I was granted the opportunity of carte-blanche and allowed to choose the activities for the day... Ah-ha I thought... I shall go to a church that I know is in Assassins Creed 2 and see how well it was done.

Very well it turned out... however it was a rather long trek across the city in order to get there. And would have taken time even without stopping due to the heat. It would take a non stop 40-50 minutes to get there from our hotel just West of St. Marks. When I got home and had a recap on the game last night it turns out that you can make the journey by roof top in less than 2 minutes... um... okay.

Now - I know that to recreate any city full scale would be a challenge and I would not wish that on anyone that had the job of creating a 15th Century Venice. However, measurements like distance are less open to discussion perhaps...?

I had been to Venice prior to Assassins Creed 2 being released and so knew of the compressed feeling - however any die-hard fan making the journey for the 1st time should heed the warning... take comfortable shoes, lots of water, and a map... even I needed one and I am the GPS for most journeys.

For your amusement I have included the photos for eyes!


Playstation 3 Trophies