Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Bumper to Bumper Grinding

I hate grinding, but I love my trophies. What a conundrum to be stuck in!

Here I am just two levels away from Platinum for NFS: HP and my mind just keeps on saying... "Your grinding - why do this to yourself over computer code and meaningless numbers?!?"

Some time back I pondered what it was that drove gamers/ people to complete anything to any degree and I could only surmise that it is the self congratulatory feeling of elation and being able to tell oneself  "That was me! I did THAT!!" which drives 90% of motivation to complete a task/ game/ objective. With my only trophies for NFS: HP being the cop based levels of 19 & 20 I have no choice but to grind if I want that Platinum (taking my total to 3).

It is the same sad story still with Fallout 3... just 4 trophies based on karma until "bling" number 4, and Uncharted is just one away (damn Hardcore modes... Grr).

At the end of the day they are just computer codes, but when it dangles in front of my eyes like some forbidden cookie jar on a just out of reach shelf it makes me want them EVEN more.

Oh well... not much I can do now until I get home from my 9to5, gym, doctors and dinner... Bring it on!

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Playstation 3 Trophies